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Donja Cluff

Investment Advisor 

Debt Elimination Specialist

Tucson, AZ Branch

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Donja Cluff is an Investment Advisor, owner of Donja & Co., and a leading expert in debt elimination and financial education. Donja is passionate about helping working professionals sleep better at night, find the loose change in their budget, and take control of their money. 


            Donja is an experienced coach, starting off in the health coaching industry and bringing 14 years of expertise in moving her clients to change their lives and everyday habits. She quickly realized, after changing her own life, that feeling empowered about your money will change your outlook on life for the better. She dove in head first helping clients through the Dave Ramsey SmartVestor Program in 5 cities; she began working with clients nationwide in eliminating their debt and making positive money changes for their future. Donja wants her clients to have it all: peace of mind, the lifestyle they want now, and the lifestyle they want in retirement! She is a specialist in rapid debt elimination and tax-free supplement and retirement planning. 


            Donja is a superhero mother of 5! She’s taught her children money principles since they were very young and they’ve been investing since they were kids. She loves to travel and leads an incredibly healthy lifestyle.

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