Cash Flow & Debt Paydown
The foundation of every financial plan, short or long term is your budget, the cash flow or net income of your household. At Paradigm, our plans begin here because we offer holistic planning. If your net income (income-debt) is low or unstable, then your financial plan might be unstable. Whether you’re nearing retirement, just starting your career, or somewhere in between, establishing a monthly routine of paying down debt, saving, and investing is imperative to your plan’s success. At Paradigm, we want you to maximize the dollars you work hard to earn and keep as much of your cash as possible.
Communicating your goals to your financial advisor is so important to your plan’s success. A plan is only as good as its ability to withstand real life. At Paradigm we don’t want to create a plan that is inflexible to life changes. We want to create a plan that works for you, as an individual. Each plan is crafted and customized to the individual or family we are working with. Life changes happen, circumstances change, and your financial plan should still work for you. So let’s start with real life, your life, and design a plan together that you can be confident in.
College Planning
College is so expensive. Student debt is the highest it’s ever been. You’ve definitely heard these things and maybe you are fearful about your child going to college. How can you possibly save enough for retirement, a new home, and your children’s college? It might seem unrealistic or insurmountable and it’s definitely complicated. At Paradigm, we want to help you wade through the noise and find a solution to college planning that works for your family, whether that’s right around the corner or years away. We will work with you and your child, so you all are on the same page about college, what it costs, what taking out debt could mean, and what options you have available to you. There are options; let us partner with you to find the right one.
Do you have a life insurance policy without any living benefits? In other words, do you have to wait until your or your partner’s death to receive any money? If that’s the case, you might not have the most beneficial life insurance policy for your family. It’s convenient for traditional insurance agents to sell you a conventional policy, such as whole life or term, but insurance companies have developed more dynamic products over the last few years. Ask Paradigm about a free life insurance consultation to compare more modern products that give you both living and death benefits AND provide a tax advantage for you.
Retirement Planning
Planning your retirement can be overwhelming. Do you have a plan that can show you income that lasts for 30 years? Are you maximizing your money by paying taxes strategically? Many clients don’t realize they have to pay income tax for all withdrawals from qualified retirement accounts. Are you willing to pay the government that much? And what if your health doesn’t hold up, can you afford the care you’ll need? If you’re a pre-retiree, please meet with someone who can address all of these needs and more! If you have a plan and want a second set of eyes to look over it, please let us know and we would be happy to give your plan a stress test.